Bantu kamu mempersiapkan karir dan portofolio pertama kamu untuk bisa di terima kerja


Raden Khaerul P, S.M, M.Sc.HEI, C.DMP

- Master of Science in Hospitality, Entrepreneurship & Innovation di Switzerland 🇨🇭
- Startup Founder
- Digital Marketing Lead di Perusahaan Marketplace
- Certified Digital Marketing oleh Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP)
- Ex-Mentor

Kenapa Kamu Butuh Kelas Ini?

✅ Peluang Kerjanya yang Sangat Banyak

Social Media Marketing adalah salah satu bidang dengan pertumbuhan tercepat saat ini. Dengan mengikuti bootcamp ini, kamu bisa mendapatkan skill yang relevan dengan kebutuhan industri.

✅ Bangun Portofolio yang Menjual

Setelah selesai bootcamp, kamu akan punya portofolio yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk melamar kerja. Dimana saat ini, portofolio menjadi syarat wajib saat melamar kerja terutama posisi ini.

✅ Sebagai Sumber Penghasilan Sampingan

Social media marketing bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan tambahan yang fleksibel. Dengan skill yang kamu pelajari di sini, kamu bisa mulai menerima pekerjaan freelance, bahkan sambil bekerja full-time.

✅ Kesempatan Bekerja di Perusahaan Luar Negeri Meski dari Rumah

Skill ini membuka peluang untuk bekerja secara remote atau jarak jauh dengan perusahaan internasional, sehingga kamu bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan tanpa perlu pindah negara dengan gaji gede seperti salah satu mentor di


Bootcamp + Magang = 2 Bulan

✅ Mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2025

✅ Jumat, Sabtu & Minggu Malam Pukul 19.30-21.30 WIB

✅ Zoom Meeting

Prospek Pendapatan

✅ Social Media Specialist : Rp 3-15 Juta/bulan
✅ Copywriter : Rp 4-12 Juta/bulan
✅ Content Writer: Rp 4-13 Juta/bulan
✅ KOL Specialist : Rp 3,5 - 12 Juta/bulan
✅ Performance Marketing: Rp 8- 15 Juta/bulan
*Berdasarkan: Glasdoor + Pengalaman Mentor

Detail Materi

✅ Detail materi yang akan kamu dapatkan

Modul 1. Role & Workflow of a Social Media Specialist

✅ Understanding the responsibilities and daily tasks of a Social Media Specialist
✅ Collaborative workflows between content creators, designers, and ad specialists
✅ Building cross-department collaboration (marketing, customer service, sales)
Tools for streamlining social media management (Trello, and Google Sheet,)

Modul 2: Social Media Branding Strategy

✅ Intro to Brand Building
✅ Why Brand Building is important (Social Media as Brand Building Channel)
✅ Understanding and creating brand identity and voice
✅ How to create consistent branding across platforms
✅ Developing visual and verbal identity in social media posts
✅ Knowing who your target market by creating customer persona

Modul 3: Creating a USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

✅ What is USP and why it matters in social media marketing
✅ How to identify your brand’s strengths and differentiate from competitors
✅ Case studies: Successful brands with strong USPs

Modul 4: Creating Customer Persona

✅ Menentukan Customer Persona & Kenapa Penting?✅ Gimana Cara Mencari Tahu Customer Persona
✅ Bagaimana Cara dan Membuat Customer Persona
✅ Praktik Membuat Customer Persona

Modul 5: Understanding Paid vs Organic Strategies

✅ Differences between paid and organic social media strategies
When to use organic vs paid approaches in campaigns
✅ Benefits, and challenges

Modul 6: Content Pillars

✅ What are content pillars and why are they essential?
How to identify and create content pillars for your brand
✅ Building a content calendar that balances promotion, education, engagement, and entertainment
✅ Creating a script for organic Content

Modul 7: Content Creation

✅ Some techniques of persuasive copywriting for social media

Modul 8: Marketing Funnel: How to effectively reach and convert customers at any stage

✅ Understanding the stages of a social media marketing funnel (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, Loyalty, advocacy )
✅ Creating content strategies for each stage of the funnel

Modul 9: Social Media Planning (Schedule, & Distribution)

✅ Building an effective social media schedule for consistency
Best times to post on different platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.)
✅ Social media tools
✅ Planning social media campaigns: from ideation to execution

Modul 10: Strategic Partnerships (KOL/Influencer Campaigns)

✅ Identifying the right Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) and influencers for your brand
✅ Structuring influencer partnerships and setting campaign goals
✅ Managing influencer campaigns from outreach to execution
✅ Measuring success in KOL/influencer campaigns

Modul 11: Social Media Metrics & Analytics

✅ Introduction and Why Social Media Metrics & Analytics matters?
Introduction & example to social media analytics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
✅ Common Social Media Metrics
✅ Advanced Metrics
✅ Tools for tracking social media performance
✅ How to Calculate Social Media Metrics
✅ Choosing the Right Metrics for Your Goals
✅ Reporting: How to present social media analytics to stakeholders

Modul 12: AI Tools for Social Media Specialists

✅ Introduction to AI-driven social media tools (ChatGPT, Gemini, Canva AI, Perplexity)
✅ How AI can enhance content creation
✅ Future trends: The growing role of AI in social media marketing

Modul 13: Creating your own Portfolio

✅ Membuat portofolio yang menjual untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan

Mau cepet kerja dan dapat penghasilan sampingan kan?

Ikut Bootcamp


Benefit Bootcamp

✅ Pertemuan langsung di zoom meeting
✅ Materi praktikal berdasarkan pengalaman di tech company
✅ Praktik pada setiap kelas berlangsung
✅ Disediakan template untuk praktik
✅ Mendapatkan template social media content planing, KOL , metrics & reporting
✅ Mendapatkan akses recoding video materi
✅ Mendapatkan sesi mentoring
✅ Bergabung di group WA komunitas untuk info kerja
✅ Bangun Portofolio
✅ Pengalaman Magang
✅ Sertifikat

Khusus bulan ini, kamu mendapatkan harga khusus,
cukup hanya dengan:


RP. 99.000

Harga Sekarang
RP. 250.000

Akan Datang
RP. 500.000

Bonus Mendapatkan Template Social Media Marketing Dengan Total Harga Rp. 323.000

Seharga Rp.50.000


Seharga Rp.99.000


Seharga Rp.25.000


Seharga Rp.25.000


Seharga Rp.25.000


Seharga Rp.99.000


Batas Pendaftaran

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Ambil Kesempatanmu Sekarang!

Keberhasilan datang ketika bertemunya antara kesempatan dengan keberanian memutuskan.